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If you have a custom order, You can upload a picture here and we will customize it.  Please upload pic or send graphic instructions.  All Coaster are usually 4 inches or 3.75 inch in dimensions based on inventory.

Customized Blank Slate Coasters

  • Explore the beach with us as each handcrafted item will leave you on the beach.
    It's time to explore.

    These coasters are 4 inches in diamete

  • You acknowleged you have rights to this image if you upload

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import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function uploadButton1_change(event) { let uploadedFile =[0]; let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (fileLoadEvent) => { let fileData =; wixData.insert('ProductFiles', { fileName:, fileType: uploadedFile.type, fileData: fileData }) .then((results) => { console.log('File uploaded and saved in database:', results); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('Error saving file:', err); }); }; reader.readAsDataURL(uploadedFile); }